NMIX 6110 Project Three

News Site

Screenshot of News Site

I honestly struggled a little bit creating my News Site. I first created a blog site, but I accidentally did something wrong and my site disappeared so I had to redo. However, I think this ended up for the better because the most recent news site I created ended up being better. When searching for a theme, I struggled with finding a good news theme that you didn’t have to pay for. In the end, I used the theme ColorMag by ThemeGrill to create a news site for the music scene in Athens. I borrowed articles from The Red and Black for the content of my site. I decided to use a darker color scheme of grays and purple to go with the feel of a music concert. I installed the plugins “Contact Form 7” and “Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails,” but I ended up just using the widgets the theme offered. Even though I’m still getting the hang of using Wordpress, the news site really helped me get familiar with all of the Wordpress features.

Commerce Site

Screenshot of Commerce Site

For my commerce site, I decided to create an online store for the brand The Ordinary. I decided to stick with the Storefront theme because its simplicity paired well with The Ordinary’s simple branding, and I also borrowed content from The Ordinary's website. One thing I’m really proud of with the commerce site is the layout of the homepage. I utilized multiple blocks to create an about section, embedded a YouTube video, and added a “Shop Our Products” section. I used columns and the “featured category” block to list out the 3 product categories offered. One thing I struggled with though was the “shop now” buttons on the featured category blocks were not centered with the image. Another thing I did was embedded YouTube videos on some of the top products. I really enjoyed creating the commerce site and think it was a great introduction for creating a an online store.