MLC Group Study Rooms

Group Study Rooms

Group study rooms are:

  • suitable for small group study
  • equipped with whiteboards
  • located on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors of the MLC
  • available on a first-come, first-served basis (except for class breakout sessions)

Group Study Room Policies

  • The 96 group study rooms in the MLC are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • The purpose of these rooms is for group study rather than individual study; therefore, groups have priority.
  • A group is considered to be 2 or more people.
  • An individual user must relinquish the room to a group immediately upon request. Individuals waiting on group members must also comply.
      If individual’s party is en route, upon said request, individual will be granted a 5-minute grace period; thereafter individual must relinquish room to group.
  • Belongings that are left unattended in a room cannot reserve the space and may be removed to the Security/Information Desk (on the 2nd Floor) if a room is needed for a waiting group. Please remember: unattended belongings also pose a security risk.
  • If you move additional seating into a room to accommodate your group, please return it.

Questions or concerns may be referred to the 2nd Floor Security Desk or at (706) 542 - 2327.

For faculty, instructors, and Teaching Assistants

Group study rooms can only be reserved during classroom hours for the purpose of providing classroom breakout session space.

A classroom breakout session is defined as a teaching model in which one scheduled class per week, for example, meets in smaller sections to facilitate discussion and greater interaction in the larger classes. 20 group study rooms have been designated for this use during classroom hours.